Recent content by Rickdod3

  1. Rickdod3

    WTT DD 99Z motor + for Z3 motor

    The older Z motors have been proven to be louder in a few applications from my understanding. One reason Craig Bulter still runs the older Z motors. I'm confused what you meant by "I don't think so"
  2. Rickdod3

    WTT DD 99Z motor + for Z3 motor

    I think you have the z3 confused with a sundown zv3. DD made a neo z3 motor. Pictured here:
  3. Rickdod3

    WTB: DD 95z motor or full woofer

    Looking to possibly purchase a Digital Designs 95z motor or full woofer assembly. Preferably a 12" woofer.
  4. Rickdod3

    WTT Crystal Mobile Sounds CMPX2 motor and 12" Ti Basket

    Its a 2 hour drive, not too terrible...but I understand!
  5. Rickdod3

    WTT Crystal Mobile Sounds CMPX2 motor and 12" Ti Basket

    Video games, comic books, electronics, anything really. I'm slowly getting out of car audio...this is one of my expendable things.