Recent content by Pepete

  1. P

    Need advice on what to buy (subs + spkrs)

    alright guys, I'm posting again to get help. I have 750$ to put on sub(s) + amps + speakers I already have a Pioneer 10" sub + a 300w Pioneer amp ... I'd like more power in my sound .... what should I buy ? Should I sell my pioneer 10" ? should I get another one and change my sealed box for...
  2. P

    Bad distortion problem...

    Ok, I'll get 2 simple capacitors and install them to see how they perform, thanks alot everyone to have helped me.
  3. P

    Bad distortion problem...

    Ok, now I understand! its clear ! but Do I need 2 of them ? one on each 5"1/4 speakers ? or would a crossover do the same?
  4. P

    ground noise

    Did you try the basic trick ? remove some paint on your frame, drill a hole and then screw your ground there ???? many people don't, and then they get ground noise and cry about it ...
  5. P

    Bad distortion problem...

    Sorry, I dont get it, why get a capacitor when all I want is drive the diferent frequencies !? tell me, im lost!
  6. P

    Bad distortion problem...

    Ok, I have to get a high pass filter for the 5"1/4s ... but as I said in my previous post, I was more playing with car audio in the mid 70's ... so back then there were no "high pass filter" what is is exactly ? how to use it ? where to get it ? How much does it cost ? I know that the principle...
  7. P

    Bad distortion problem...

    Hi, im new here so Hello everyone! Don't check my spelling or my general typing, cuz I'm from quebec, Canada, and not really good in english. I HAVE A PROBLEM with a kit I installed in one of my friend's car ... he told me: I want a clear sound with more bass than my stock radio/speakers can...