Recent content by Patthepimp85

  1. P


    kinda thought so and thats what i told him. And another alternative is getting a second battery if your speaks are that powerful.
  2. P


    Are caps any good? From being a newb and asking around alot of people say no but some ba$tard at school argued with me that they are good. Thanks
  3. P

    12" Cerwin Vega HED or 12" 1000w Volfehag

    I know they arnt by far the best of quality but for 100 to get by until i can afford some hx2's or something of that nature thats what im left with. So should i pay 70 for 2 12" HED's used for 6 months or should i go with 2 12" new Volfenhag's for 100?
  4. P

    12" Cerwin Vega HED or 12" 1000w Volfehag

    Which of these is better?
  5. P

    What do you think of these?

    How are these subs.........are they better than 2 12 HED cerwin's or no?
  6. P

    Wal Mart wiring kit

    Yea just as i thought....a very good, yet cheap kit.
  7. P


    How did you do the wiring from the battery to the amp. Was there any gromets to go through?
  8. P

    Wal Mart wiring kit

    The wire is probably plated but underneath it will be copper.
  9. P

    Anyone heard these?

    Polk GXR 4X6. Any good?
  10. P

    this makes no sense to me?

    I know exactly what your talking about....the frikin' instructions are in espanol which is definately pointless. Also I really dont know if the wiring in the wal-mart kits any good because the wire isnt copper its aluminum or something but i really dont know if that makes a difference.
  11. P


    Are polk 4x6 GXR's any good? I found some for 40 bucks new.
  12. P

    SOLD Whats your porn name?

  13. P


    thanks guys
  14. P

    Need something to Power 2 HED's

    really?.....they have the memphis on ebay for like 150 and on ebay they have the 600.1 for like 200.