Recent content by ODAYx

  1. O

    Trying to pick under hood battery?

    lol my bad meant to paste the name. its shuriken battery meant for gm vehicles under hood.
  2. O

    Trying to pick under hood battery?

    I got a chevy blazer. perfect fit but just wondering if theres a better buy? i can only go like 7 in high
  3. O

    Strapping amps?

    question. so if i want to strap amps together to get a 2 ohm final load, i would need to get d2 subs to get the full power right? (final 2 ohm)
  4. O

    haha those f-ing neighbors

    so today i was bored and go out to play with my system and tune it to get it a little loud. im checking my voltage drops for a legit 30 seconds and the neighborhood is in a up roar!like 10 people come out screaming at me for a constant problem. im just standing there like WHAT MAN! SH1T WAS ON...
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    battery question

    my original plan is put 2 new batteries in. 1 for front and 1 for rear. I have a aq1200d right now. eventually will upgrade to like a 2k amp. Batteries im talking about are kinetics hc1200. Is this a good idea or maybe just go one big one in the back and keep walmart up front. input appreciated...
  6. O

    RE Audio SXX

    alright man appreciate it
  7. O

    RE Audio SXX

    sorry homie just askin
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    RE Audio SXX

    just wondering if those new chinese sex's and sxx's are still the same old models. I saw a video of a new se and a new sx side by side and looked exactly the same. i personally these new ones are $h1t. or atleast look like it the best thing of having a nice f-ing sub was showing off the...
  9. O

    Amp linking question

    thinking about adding to my build. trying to figure how to get a 2 ohm linked final ohm with 2 dvc 4 ohms. 1 sub per amp. or 4 dvc 4 ohms. 2 subs per amp.
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    New guy looking for pair of 12s advice

    my sdcs get loud man i havent even turned the gain over half and the bass knob over half and its just crazy. looking for sq though not a good choice. havent had alot of expirience with sq subs. i do plan on getting the polk mm6501 comps haha. buy something you think your gonna be happy with and...
  11. O

    1243D Alpine Type R DVC 4ohms - AudioQ1200d - help wiring @ 1 ohms

    and yes i think you would have to drill a hole. look at the diagram and see what needs to be done.
  12. O

    1243D Alpine Type R DVC 4ohms - AudioQ1200d - help wiring @ 1 ohms

    hit up and go to subwoofer wiring. it will show you its a great website for pretty much anything in car audio.
  13. O

    AQ1200d getting really warm

    alright good to hear. ill get to working on that electrical. thanks homies
  14. O

    AQ1200d getting really warm

    i just recently got this amp and i was showing it to someone and i put my hand on it and it was extremly warm. Its also like 90 something today and my cars been sitting in the sun with black interior but it still seemed alot warmer than it should be. Gain is like 2/5 the way up. I mean i had a...
  15. O

    Oxygen Audio

    6.5 im looking at oxy's freqs and they dont seem to go as low or as high as pretty much everything. i saw those cadence zrs components low pro for like 65 seem pretty good deal there