Recent content by mofugga

  1. M

    need helpon old amp (WAAAY OLD SCHOOL FOOLS)

    its a legacy series II la 320, 2 channel 300watt amp (not the 500watt version, the 300 watt version WAAY OLD SCHOOL) its got bost knobs son the side and a "stereo/mono" switch.... what i need to know is how much it puts out to each channel, and just how to bridge it (yes it says bridgable)...
  2. M

    Highest dB on the forum

    lol more_spl .... do you any idea how loud that is??? 160dBs is instant loss of hearing, that means that what you joked about is 100x louder than that!! i don;t think anything in the world can get that loud..
  3. M

    Problemas with my AMP..

    ya umm.....what he said again and umm...(let's see how much espanol i knwo) tengo un pito mas grandisimo y muchas chicas lo chuparon anoche, y tu madre es muy bonita.... ya i think thats all the spanish i know...oh ya !se rompe! oh wait a minute...
  4. M

    what the heck is a "punch xlc"??

    anyone know where i can get any specs on it? is it a good sub? i know i a guy where get one real cheap....(i'm having baad feelings about this though...
  5. M

    Going off to a Comp...

    break an eardrum!!!
  6. M

    fosgate HE and HE2 series?

    what about a type E compaed to an fosgate HE... not the he2? would that be the same as comparing te typr R to the HE2? oh ya jlman, if i have a 91 edie baurer bronco (yup the big one) what kind of setup do you recomend? and bumpin blazer, is adam your real name, cause if it is.....that's my...
  7. M

    what the heck is a "punch xlc"??

    what the heck is a "punch xlc"?? isit some kind of fosgate or something??
  8. M

    fosgate HE and HE2 series?

    wow, i didn't know and he2 could beat a type r... and yeah i did notice the lack of sound quality in the fosgate at high they get loud!
  9. M

    fosgate HE and HE2 series?

    they aren't priced too bad, but does anyone know if they hold a candle to the alpine type E's or R's?
  10. M

    is wiring overrated???

    wiring is very important. period. it determines sound quality and the aount of power that gets to your subs. if you use Sh!tty wiring, your amp will not be able to send all of it's power to the sub. don;t go cheap on wiring
  11. M

    legacy audio, a thing of the past? (oh wait it always was....)

    i found this old la 320 lying around and i was wondering if it was actually a decent amp....weird though....the la320 on their website is a 500watt amp while this one is a 300 watt amp....however they look exactly alike and have the exact same name.... mine must be a really old version or...
  12. M

    fosgate subs

    hey that's cool i'm in the area around the intersection of roosevelt and 103rd but what is the real name for the RFP's and do they even hold a candle to the alpines?
  13. M

    fosgate subs

    yo dude, you in jax too huh? i'm on the westside, where are you at?
  14. M

    legacy audio, a thing of the past? (oh wait it always was....)

    does anyone here know what legacy's main wbe page URL is? (besides or or, etc.) :)