Recent content by JookBocsBettie

  1. JookBocsBettie

    one 15 or two 12's

    The importance of the box? How do you figure the tuning for it?
  2. JookBocsBettie

    one 15 or two 12's

    Would definately be new. Very skeptical about used equipment.
  3. JookBocsBettie

    one 15 or two 12's

    What 12 or 15 would that be? Any suggestions?
  4. JookBocsBettie

    one 15 or two 12's

    Thanks for all the help guys still feeling my way arooubbd
  5. JookBocsBettie

    one 15 or two 12's

    Any suggestions for a good set of 12's under 300
  6. JookBocsBettie

    one 15 or two 12's

    Thought about the fi q jusy causr uut
  7. JookBocsBettie

    one 15 or two 12's

    Maybe the wording is wrong how about 2 good 12's versus 1 good 15
  8. JookBocsBettie

    one 15 or two 12's

    Which is better and would provide more sound quality
  9. JookBocsBettie

    orion hp4800 and pg rsds

    Gains?clip? Doctor you're losing her. Please school me. How are orion amps quality wise?
  10. JookBocsBettie

    orion hp4800 and pg rsds

  11. JookBocsBettie

    orion hp4800 and pg rsds

    Is this going overboard or would that amp be ok? How is the quality of orion amps? I can get one for a pretty good price?
  12. JookBocsBettie

    lucky day $400 give a way

  13. JookBocsBettie

    lucky day $400 give a way

    How is the midbass?
  14. JookBocsBettie

    lucky day $400 give a way

    That's a hot combo ^... Worth considering
  15. JookBocsBettie

    lucky day $400 give a way

    Bump for more ideas