Recent content by Hyybrid89crx_si

  1. Hyybrid89crx_si

    Calling out Hybrid89crx_si

    Scammed my ass. Check your email retard.
  2. Hyybrid89crx_si

    Calling out Hybrid89crx_si

    Research all you want man. I got nothing to hide. I will give ya my name address and a copy of my license if it will make ya feel better.
  3. Hyybrid89crx_si

    Calling out Hybrid89crx_si

    actually here is the link.
  4. Hyybrid89crx_si

    Calling out Hybrid89crx_si

    You can also look up the thread "to all I owe money to". I posted on NUMEROUS times for vektor to contact me.
  5. Hyybrid89crx_si

    Calling out Hybrid89crx_si

    Again, dont care. Keep your worthless opinion to yourself.
  6. Hyybrid89crx_si

    Calling out Hybrid89crx_si

    Correction, I owe 1 member money. I dont really care if I get banned. It isnt like people really gave a **** about him getting paid. Most of you just wanted to come in here and degrade my character and tell me how much of a bad person I am. This turned into nothing but a thread to bash on me...
  7. Hyybrid89crx_si

    Calling out Hybrid89crx_si

    I tried to pay everyone ASAP. HE WAS UNREACHABLE!!!!!!!. I didnt have his number and I had no internet access to get it. Like I said read the whole **** thing next time before you post.
  8. Hyybrid89crx_si

    Calling out Hybrid89crx_si

    First off man you shouldnt have skipped pages because you would have seen that everyone else I owed has been paid and I didnt owe 6 people. I owed like 3 people. Vektor is the last person I owe. I did and still do plan on paying him. I will have his money out to him by this tuesday or monday...
  9. Hyybrid89crx_si

    Calling out Hybrid89crx_si

    Not to sound like a dick but if you would have read the thread that was in the firstpage for like a week you would have seen I have been trying to contact you to pay you the money. Now I am having a ***** of a time with my new paypal account. Since I have been doing a lot of payments they locked...
  10. Hyybrid89crx_si

    SOLD Att: To All I Owe Money Too!!!!!

    Because they use that as a last resort. Keep bugging them. Email and call them. They will eventually do it. Not to mention call his local pd and give them all the info on it. Believe me man, if paypal wont do anything maybe the cops can scare him into giving you a refund. Not to mention file a...
  11. Hyybrid89crx_si

    SOLD Att: To All I Owe Money Too!!!!!

    Thanks man, I hope my experiences from now on are positive. FinalWolf- you will eventually get the money back if you keep buggin paypal. They will reverse any transfers he made and send it back to you. Then he will owe those people money.
  12. Hyybrid89crx_si

    SOLD 2 re sx 12s d2 fs

    **** it to bloody hell!!!!!! why couldnt these have been on here 3 days ago when I had enough for em. **** **** ****!!!!! Anyway, it is one hell of a deal. Someone should grab em pretty quick.
  13. Hyybrid89crx_si

    SOLD FS: some car audio stuff

    is there anything wrong with the screen?.
  14. Hyybrid89crx_si

    SOLD FS: Alpine CDM-7861 (with sleeve and casing)

    **** it, that would have worked out perfect but I just realized this one doesnt play mp3's. I thought it did. I will have to think about it. I may still buy it. I will let ya know.
  15. Hyybrid89crx_si

    SOLD FS: Alpine CDM-7861 (with sleeve and casing)

    I couldnt do cod as all my cash is in my paypal account. Hmmmm, would you take a deposit of half and ship it then I send the other half when it arrives?. Let me know.