Recent content by fivepoints

  1. F

    Truck Stutters when Bass Hits

    are head lights dimming when the bass hits? if so try a battery isolator. you hook it in between the batt bank and the main starting bat's one probelm is finding one big enough if you got a 300 amp alternator if not mite want to consider a bigger bigcouple of things like alt, more batts...
  2. F

    What would you do?

    exactly but it helps model the woofer so you can see a tad of the scope on paper. were you might be i thought i point it out well enough that is not dead nuts on but close. any ways what your guys thought on the z con 15 for this guy think it would work for his budget for two of them? also...
  3. F

    What would you do?

    if not accurate please site the work were found to be wrong?
  4. F

    What would you do?

    in responce to the title of the thread any info i got on the next best sub. i would run it threw this formula and calculate spl to see if they are correct. just remeber for every double in power from 1 watt at 1 metter away you will gain 3 db's so if the sub started from the formula at 100db's...
  5. F

    Just Curious...

    by the way it may have sliped your mind on how close we are to black friday sales! some time's some companies run subs like fi car audio and ssa etc... so keep it in mind be fore you spend a lot of doe maybe able to upgrade the amp or simular sub for cheaper. just a could always pic...
  6. F

    Just Curious...

    inreply to the rms i do not think your amp is big enough to run the q but if you plan to up grade sooner or later it will be fine to run it for now till you can get a bigger one. if you like the amp and are sticking to it i would is think something like the icon 18 inch sub. would be...
  7. F

    Just Curious...

    plain and simple the fi q will hit harder for a few reasons. (1). the motor is a 1500rms motor with stronger magnets (2). more surface area of the cone a 480 cm squared each for the re-*** versus a 1210 cm squared total for the fi q (3). the spl of the fi q starts out at 112 db at 1 w/1 m ware...
  8. F

    4th order in a hatch?

    if you got win isd try looking at all the boxes you are able to find for that sub like ported versus sealed verus bandpass and t-lines etc.... reson is some subs do not preform well in let say a sealed box. ware a ported is better on them. if it preform's well in a sealed i would shoot for a...
  9. F

    budget 5x7 or 5.25s

    i hear ya just though i would mention it check around some one cleared out a bunch of hex pro componets for 159.99 for the hex's they still had a few d6's and d3 if i remember right i will check real quick to see. check for dimanod d6's in 5x7 for $150 for the componet sets
  10. F

    budget 5x7 or 5.25s

    why two set's of speaker you realy only need one? most of the time the rear speaker in the back of car truck are bass speakers in the 100hz or less output range. this is becasue it is not noticable of ware it is comeing from to re place those we add subs . now the front speakers are the only set...
  11. F

    4th order in a hatch?

    if you are any good at math you could pic up this book and figure out the formulas on fourth oders i got the book and it would take to long for me to type up the info and yess there is a lot mor then a 3:1 ratio i am thinking 40hz may still be a tad low depending on the subs most are tuned 50-80...
  12. F

    Budget 12"

    if you did not like the d-con idea there is always two of these. i had a t400 and it out put a little less then the d con did but for sure a quality sub the t 400 the t200 is 35 buck at this link. T3 Audio T200-12S4 12" 200 Watt Subwoofer 4 Ohm 269-086 these subs are seald only subs so just to...
  13. F

    Budget 12"

    i got the older d con s4 in my truck right now. running on 500 rms claimed by sony at 4 oms off a xm-gtr9001d caple of 900 at 2ohm. if any thing you could run the s4 at 4 ohm off the mrp-m500. or the d4 at 2 ohm with the gain's down bass boost down etc... down.. here is a link to d con's tell...
  14. F

    pulling the trigger TODAY!!!!

    i like the 21 death row for sure but there was the two 18 inch i-cons that i think would be funner to play with d4's of couse got the cone size the motor force and the x max and etc... you ordered them so can't stop the train from rolling now.
  15. F

    Box Design Help Needed

    to tell you the truth if you are any good at math you just need a ti-83 or equlivent scienctific calculator to do this foumula at link shown later. any ways you break it in to parts in order of operations the .159square root you do last. there is a divided sign in the square root you start there...