Recent content by ELPRIMOVAKERO


    MTX TE1004 4ch amplifier (rare to find)

    Whats wrong with having many amps?

    MTX TE1004 4ch amplifier (rare to find)

    Whats wrong with many amps?

    Mtx 9500 or jl w7

    I had found this links to see if that works for you: MTX Thunder9500 vs. W7

    Mtx 9500 or jl w7

    Well the guy who post this ad he says he want a 10" mtx 9500 or 10" jl w7 so he know what im talking about, but well im just giving my opinion on what i had try not on what the specs says. I had install JL audio's for long time and the people just blow them all probaly as you say yes is because...

    Mtx 9500 or jl w7

    Well if you know how to read you will see that i wastalking about MTX 9500 coils the 10" have a 3.5" not 4", the 12 and 15" are the ones that have a 4" coils, and about the fail on JL audio yeah it could be because of user doesnt know how to treat them, but if you do the same thing to an 9500...

    Mtx 9500 or jl w7

    If you want SPL i go with the 9500 it can handle long time playing as W7 cant handle that much, but the thig here is JL audio have way better SQ, about the 1000w rms thats to much for any of those, they are 750w rms each if you want a 1000w rms sub in the same model you can pick up a 12" 9500...

    MTX TE1004 4ch amplifier (rare to find)

    Item(s) for Sale: MTX Thunder Elite 4ch amplifier (TE1004) Item(s) Description/Condition: Used but in perfect working condition, have some minor scratches but nothing that affect. You can watch a video of the amp on action on youtube search for title MTX TE1004 & 2x Focal 165 VR3 Specs...