Recent content by Electrodynamic

  1. Electrodynamic

    Just picked up a relic

    You are not correct in that "they were the mkII Mag". What you have in your possession is in fact an original Mag 12". No version, no mark, no rev, etc. That is the original "claw" Mag 12" crinkle-coat basket subwoofer.
  2. Electrodynamic

    Obsidian subs

    You may need to reference a dictionary for the definition of "fact" instead of "I'm pissy so I'm saying something that is my opinion as a fact." So this is what online butt-hurt looks like in response to HT 18" pricing. Ha. While this has turned quickly towards SI rather than OA from your post...
  3. Electrodynamic

    Obsidian subs

    Still trolling on this forum? And no love after your post? Hrm.
  4. Electrodynamic

    Obsidian subwoofers.

    Could you elaborate more on your "cookie cutter subs" comment? What information do you possess that validates your claim? Our motors were developed using Finite Element Analysis and were custom tooled to speciciation. How is that "cookie cutter"? We also have a fairly unique basket and soft part...
  5. Electrodynamic

    Obsidian Audio Facebook Page

    What twelve companies have been Klippel tested / proven to provide a better product than ours? Staying under $300 per woofer I would like to see the Klippel data for more than 12 ("dozens") subwoofer companies that provide a better Klippel tested/measured product comapred to our $140 subwoofers...
  6. Electrodynamic

    What can I recone my OA 18v1 into ?

    An Obsidian 18" v1 drop-in would fit your 18" v1 subwoofer.
  7. Electrodynamic

    Obsidian Audio Facebook Page

    This thread is exactly the reason why we closed the OA Facebook page. Calling our phone line is much slower than sending an email. Everyone at our company is out building subwoofers, shipping orders, etc, instead of sitting in a chair waiting for the phone to ring. The FB page was closed so we...
  8. Electrodynamic

    look at this beast!!!

    I think you mean the reverse. Check your facts before you post bile on forums. I design and manufacture low inductance subwoofers for Stereo Integrity, not the other way around. I have an advanced FEM program (not FEMM as you two have been referencing during this thread) that shows anticipated...
  9. Electrodynamic

    look at this beast!!!

    "Induction" [i'm assuming your term 'induction' to be severely high inductance] does not negate it for measurement by Klippel. Klippel can still measure various forms of THD, Xmax, Xsus, Le in a three dimensional realm, etc. It is very solid measurement of a loudspeaker and it [Klippel] should...
  10. Electrodynamic

    look at this beast!!!

    My FEM software package includes all of the latter complete with T/S specs because that [woofer design - Cms/Vas/etc] is included. Pretty critical parameters when designing a speaker. So he is designing a speaker without those critical parameters? As of this post I have yet to see a simple T/S...
  11. Electrodynamic

    look at this beast!!!

    Slight correction there. It's not when he gets T/S's, it's when he posts T/S's. T/S measurements are easily taken within a minute or two of a woofer being produced (from/by whoever builds it). Also if he has a FEM model he could post those anticipated T/S's (FEM spits out T/S's parameters - it's...
  12. Electrodynamic

    look at this beast!!!

    If that is the case, what is he refering to? I've been asking the same question for a while now with zero explanation.
  13. Electrodynamic

    look at this beast!!!

  14. Electrodynamic

    4 re srx 15's or 2 OA 18's

    And you will receive less bottom end with the AQ's vs. the OA's...much less actually. The Q alignemnt has to be through the roof yielding a very big spike in response followed by a steep roll off below the F3 of the system. Sure the larger 3" coil can handle more power. If all that you are after...
  15. Electrodynamic

    look at this beast!!!

    I wasn't asking for an explanation of where the term BL comes from. I was asking for a T/S list (not Klippel data) to see if you were referring to the 2200 figure as BL^2/Re or where you were coming up with that from. Are you talking about BL^2/Re when you say "achieving in the high 20's"? The...