Recent content by Ctunder

  1. C

    domestic or import

    japanese cars are the way to go. 180sx, r34,silvias, primera, and the zx's. Did i say japanese i ment nissans, cause god drives a nissan
  2. C


    Why does the civic had to be w/o n20? Its a mod he payed for and its simply the cheapest way to gain x amount of horsepower. The import bashing goin on is pretty childish. I personally hate domestics but i feel no reason to bash them. If a person wants to mod a geo prizm to all hell let him...
  3. C

    4 X 6 help

    helped a ton i was gonna get some infiniti plates but didnt know if they where anygood. Thx
  4. C

    4 X 6 help

    Can anyone tell me what a good set of 4 x 6's i could use in my 240sx.
  5. C

    Best Sounding Engine

    I love the sr20 engine. Did someone call the supra lightweights back there? maybe its just me but that thing is massive
  6. C

    Has anyone tried this or know if they are a legit website. Because some of their prices are pure insanity.