Recent content by canadian-nowall

  1. C

    TC sounds project and extra parts

    Any chance you have extensions for 4" coils? if so, could you pm a price.....if not, help ordering some please?!!
  2. C

    what to use for rolling up volume "spl"?

    hey, trying to roll up volume using the head unit is too choppy and the mute-roll function is too quick. What would you guys recomend? I have a maxxlink, but would a potentiometer on the rca line work better? if so, a product recomendation please!
  3. C

    wtb..15" t.s.n.s basket and paper cone/surround for the 4" coil and motor i have

    bump...surely someone knows where i can get this stuff!
  4. C

    wtb..15" t.s.n.s basket and paper cone/surround for the 4" coil and motor i have

    as title says. Aparently the subs i have came from psychoacoustics and one of the subs i have are missing the basket and cone/surround. pm me with offerings or post info where i could find these parts
  5. C

    SOLD 18" subs for sale cheap!!!

    ^^^aint that the truth lol^^^ Any chance you could part with a basket from t.s.n.s? i have a motor just sitting in need of parts!
  6. C

    SOLD 2 Atomic 7ks

    free bump for a close friend!...ive seen and tested these amps with OP and trust me they are worth every penny, Very efficient pair making 7700watts on one 2150 battery at 10.2v drop and scores were consistantly 156.5 in testing ST.B
  7. C

    WTB used 8volt batterys

    bump! if anyone could even direct me toward someone who has them would be appreciated...
  8. C

    WTB used 8volt batterys

    as the title says...i know the average new price but id like to get some used and in good functional condition
  9. C

    Cobalt 2 12" Brutus 4th Order BP

    perhaps if the sealed chambers are shrunk and stuffed, you will gain from lowering the peak freq and the added volume to the ported section will allow you to open the port up more?
  10. C

    Ebay SCAMMER ALERT -- Do not sell your amp to Andy Weiser aka andy4879 on Ebay

    i dont know about you but im glad i know this....would you rather he keeps this info to himself and have someone here on the forum get screwed? the buildlog section gets alot of traffic, so imo not a bad place to get the attention.
  11. C

    SOLD Kinetik HC16V's (21)

    man, i need these things. in like 2 months though when i have the coin