Recent content by BmxNick101

  1. BmxNick101

    Big Zed Amps USA2300F Planet Audio

    Great amps here! If I had the cash they'd be mine. If they are as nice as the ones I got, some of the cleanest out there. Boxes with these?
  2. BmxNick101

    Big Zed Amps USA2300F Planet Audio

    I keep thinking about it, I'm broke at the moment too. Lol Props for a great seller!!!
  3. BmxNick101

    Zed Limited US Acoustics USA2200F Pair

    I'm interested in the pair. Thank you, Nick
  4. BmxNick101

    US Acoustics USA series amps

    Still have this? I don't have a 2050 yet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. BmxNick101

    Looking for US AcousticUSA 2200 chrome!

    I need one more amp to complete the collection I plan to run in my truck. If anyone has a 2200 chrome working or not, I have good guts. Thank you, Nick
  6. BmxNick101

    USA US Acoustics 2150/Zed Audio

    Is this amp still available?