Recent content by bastianak

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    Profile Ap1000M and a M6 12D4

    thanks yeah its gunna be in a 1 cu ft box which i wish was a lil bigger im just a lazy
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    Profile Ap1000M and a M6 12D4

    Im cheap so im gettin a Ap1000M and i have a M6 12D4 wired at 2ohm it will do 500rms and i know profile arnt the best but ive herd nothing bad about them you think this will be alright?
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    amp match for M612D4?

    what amp do you guys recomend for a M6 12D4 for around $200? its in a 1cu ft box in a 2000 Jetta which i belive is a 14.4v system
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    anybody install in a 98-2000 jetta gl before?

    haha i know im pursistant i needa talk to someone wit a jetta
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    anybody install in a 98-2000 jetta gl before?

    i cant find a firewall hole and just wondering wired a witout a drill thanks
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    firewall hole in a 2000 jetta gl??

    ANYBODY! does anybody have a jetta??? if so did u guys drill a hole or fire a hole i dont want to drill...please point me in the direction?? thanks
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    DEH-P760MP versus DEH-P860MP

    I have the 860mp in my 2000 jetta and theres no glare even on the sunniest of days im completly pleased with it only thing i dislike is the fact when changing songs you gotta push the nob over and the colors of the menu (light blue and orange) EWW owell i still love it!
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    WHERES the hole in the firewall!? (Jetta)

    thanks triphop i found it! and did you wire your power straight to the battery or to the distributor box right above it?
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    gelcoat or paint?

    i just finished two 1.5 cubic ft. fiberglass boxes for my jetta and i want them grey which is the color of my trunk and i was wondering if you guys suggest gelcoat or paint?
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    WHERES the hole in the firewall!? (Jetta)

    haha im not used to installin in small cars anybody scoped a jetta before and found the hole in the firewall??? i cant find it thanks alot!
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    Gay Rappers

    haha nelly? what are you guys listening to? seriously go buy the Royce Da 5'9'' cd if u wanna listen to something plleaaassee
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    leave the monsoons in ?

    hello i just got the Premier p860mp and it made wonders from the stock clarion in my jetta i didnt think that a computer company could make that decent car speakers but i have some jbl gto's three ways laying around but not sure if its worth it to put them in? what do you guys think thanks alot!
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    installed the 860mp into a 2000 Jetta but the dimmer wont work?

    yeah it was a stock deck but i got it workin i just soldered em together thanks though
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    installed the 860mp into a 2000 Jetta but the dimmer wont work?

    i bought the wire harness wired it all up and the dimmer wont work ?? any suggestions ??? the (llum) orange wire is connected too but still wont work