Recent content by 90towncar

  1. 90towncar

    Some more of my work

    I am back!! PC was down 2 weeks almost, plus I have been real busy. I will answer questions and post more pics tonight or tomorrow thanks
  2. 90towncar

    Some more of my work

    I can shave whatever, yes I do air I like hydros better but will do air. What kind of car, or truck? Powdercoated spokes like these I dont do them but I sell them.
  3. 90towncar

    Need box built

    dont have time for wood, but if you want a nice glass one let me know
  4. 90towncar

    Some more of my work

    Its really hard to give a quote without a pic, especially when you say it has chipping paint. That usually means it needs to be stripped. Do you want inside the bed sprayed or the door or hood jams? Any dents? I don't touch any thing for less that $800. If that helps any but let me know more...
  5. 90towncar

    Some more of my work

    Just tell them you are painting a tri-stage paint job and you want the second stage without pearl in it because you want to add your own. How much start with it up to you I start at 2 teaspoons per quart, spray some test pannels first. Each coat can greatly alter the final apperance.
  6. 90towncar

    Some more of my work

    No problem, I think the pearl in the midcoat "binder" looks better. It seems to give more flip. As for how much pearl thats up to you I always use more than they say but if you use too much it will look cloudy or the color wont flip as much.
  7. 90towncar

    Need box built

    wood or glass?
  8. 90towncar

    Some more of my work

    I dont know what would be harder it would all depend on what is harder to you spraying base or clear. I have used gold over red before... Cant tell you what color the cutty is going right now. 2 10" solobarics and a concept amp for now though on the stereo.
  9. 90towncar

    Some more of my work

    That cutty is an 85, I am building a fiberglass box for it right now, doing the insides and hope to paint it by the weekend. I have only used PPG a couple of times but they seem to have good products. When you make a color at the paint store you put in binder, flop control,and the pigment...