Recent content by 05F150SuperCrew

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    05 F150 5.5' bedliner... free

    has 2 holes i cut towards the gate about 4''x4'' about 8" up... other than that its perfect. local pick up only, its in wayne, nj. first person to pick it up gets it. if someone needs a pic i can do it tomorrow when i go into work. let me know. ps... sorry, think i posted this in the...
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    i think i have the design i'm gonna go w/...

    sweet... thanks man... it seems that what's givin me the most trouble is actually designing it... i'm not worried about building it, i'm just havin trouble puttin togeather a design that will work.
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    i think i have the design i'm gonna go w/...

    ok, took some measurements... been busier than i thought i would... gonna work up a design this weekend... any ideas appreciated. thanks.
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    i think i have the design i'm gonna go w/...

    u have no idea how much i appreciate it... you have to be the most helpful person i've ever met on a forum... thanks a lot. i'm gonna pull the box that's in there now out and take some measurements again. i can't find the original measurements i took and wanna make sure i'm workin off the...
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    i think i have the design i'm gonna go w/...

    i hear ya... problem is, the box goes all the way back to the back seat... and almost all the way to my dash. i have 2 kids in carseats in the back which is why i wanted the port foward or down... maybe i could tighten it up and go up in between the seats like that... you think i should fire...
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    i think i have the design i'm gonna go w/...

    that's kinda what i was figuring... if i did the first one, the whole box would be about 4" off the floor... but it'd stick up past the seat quite a bit... with the last design i was actually tryin to get as much volume out of it as possible... i guess i could try and work something out with...
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    i think i have the design i'm gonna go w/...

    the only prob with the first design is that it'll stick up about 6" above the rear seat... what is obstructing the port? is it that the subs are all the way in front?
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    i think i have the design i'm gonna go w/...

    ok, just made a cut sheet for it... hopefully startin it really soon. should be interesting... still not sure how i'm gonna finish it though... all i have to do is set up the table saw and get the mdf and glue. got the plexi already and finally got the last bit of wire needed...
  9. 0

    Box build for Ravens9322

    that looks good, i'm thinkin about painting half the box i'm going to make. you use a high build primer then sand or just a couple coats of primer and paint?
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    thanks energizedsbs.... put my order in a min ago... appreciate the link.
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    sweet... thanks.
  12. 0


    last time they got a shipment they threw out 2 boards that would've built my box... they said if they get more in damaged he'll let me know and at most they'd be like $5... i'm in no serious rush to get this done... now that its actually nice out, i do wanna get movin, but i can't turn down...