mrfr3sh2def - until resolution is agreed upon

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wew lad
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so, many of you will give me shit for jumping in on this when I'm not involved, but I feel like I have an obligation to bring to light what I've seen so far, in hopes of others taking heed to the past when working with a seller online.

I'll make my bias very clear, as my own opinion, seperate from the facts the rest of the quotes will be directly from @Thewes and @mrfr3sh2def to illustrate the current situation

here's a post by thewes outlining a transaction between him and the seller of a few oldschool amps

Not to totally **** on the guy, hear me out entirely, and then pass your own judgement. Long *** post, read if your considering any transactions PT. 1/2

Mrfr3sh2def has been causing a bit of a pain in my *** for the last 2 months- to say the very least. I don't think he is a genuinely bad guy, maybe he just has a hard time accepting responsibility of his actions or maybe he just doesn't give a **** about anyone else. I purchased 4 of the older chrome orion amps off him about a tad over 2 months ago, mrfr3sh2def claimed verbatim and as stated on invoice that two of the 400.2 were "new condition", the one 2500D was "used but like new" condition, and the last 200.2 was "used". They arrived fairly quickly, but instantly I noticed they were entirely fucked up even at first glance I could tell they were beat to hell, which I assumed all occurred during shipping (turns out not true, some damage was pre-existent). I did some serious grade A forensic type photo documentation, even wore gloves and labeled every single amp, had every single ding and dent and mar at all angles labeled, I even displayed any impact marks that aligned with outside/inside of boxes that also matched up with amp damage. I took nearly 40-50 pictures.

Unfortunately for his packing of the amps, he didn't use an ounce of bubble wrap, not a single air cushion, no double boxes. ZERO precautions were taken to protect the heavy *** "pristine" amps other then a white piece of paper with "FRAGILE" printed on it...I mean that is some effort at least right? He packed the amplifiers in used (not even new) cardboard boxes from his work (he actually crammed the 2500D into the 10+ year old crumpled up original 400.2 box, so that was really nice) and sprinkled in some brown packing paper in all the boxes. In my 10 years of receiving car audio or all items in general, I have never seen such lack of giving a ****. I mean this is such a ******* clear case of irresponsible and improper packaging, it shouldn't require an ounce of thought regarding who is at fault, and especially when you factor in the amount of documentation/pictures I took, you have to be brain dead to dispute he didn't **** these up, which is the only reason I am even posting this.

Luckily! Two of the amps had the end slide-in cardboard shims, all though they still didn't do much to protect them from the ******** at UPS. When package heavy items, even more so when using UPS, and ESPECIALLY if you claim you have tons of feed back and past experience with shipping out car audio gear, then you 100% expect your items are going to be thrown around... so you prepare and double stuff those fuckers in multiple boxes, you use bubble wrap, you use noodles, you use any tool at your disposal to insure that item arrives safely to your buyer, that is unless you are a real cheap ***, or unless you screwed yourself on the deal and you are trying to pinch every penny possible to maximize profit. And let me tell you, I paid a decent premium price for these old amps, I mean I could of gone and gotten two brand 400.2 off amazon for the exact same price I paid for the "new" 400.2s I got from mrfr3sh2def, if not less. More importantly though, if the items you are shipping are heavy, fragile, and VERY OLD almost classic PRISTINE "new/like new condition amplifiers", then who in their right mind would just toss them in used thin cardboard boxes along with some brown paper? I don't know, you decide, someone who doesn't give a **** is the only conclusion I can come to? I don't know the guy that well, we talk, I send him pictures, he sends me pictures, I really do not dislike the guy, but my patience ran thin 30 days ago and now this entire scenario is just ******* becoming absurd.

Long story short (not really, its long sorry) I told him what happened, explained to him the damage, explained to him it was due to his really poor packaging (I felt bad for the guy at the time) We remained in communication entire time, no issues. The damage consisted of huge dings in the aluminum on one of the "new" 400.2 amps, the side plate broken off, several screw heads actually ripped off from an extremely hard impact, aluminum pushed in so far back plate would not come off, scratches all over, this is all on AN AMPLIFIER DESCRIBED AS "NEW" CONDITION. There were scratches and dings even on the "like new" 2500D, bent mounting feet, and the second "NEW" 400.2 also had some mars/nicks and dings, every single amp had bent mounting points, the list of cosmetic damage is long. The 200.2 looked like it came out of a dry cleaner, mounting legs bent in ways I really never imagined possible. Keep in mind, these were apparently pristine amps minus the used one. Literally defined as new, new, like new, and used. So what the ****?

I remained very patient. It took myself a bit of time to document all the pictures due to how busy I was, but then it took him almost 3+ weeks after seeing all my pictures to come up with a partial refund offer of only $200, and it required I send back the most fucked up 400.2 amp, since he actually realized he made a mistake in amp description and apologized... even though a lot of the damage WAS from the shipping process, he incorrectly described one of the 400.2 amps and some of the damage was already there before shipping. (I guess it is pretty easy to misidentify an amplifier that has a ******* chunk of aluminum pushed in on the bottom with nicks and scratches and multiple sheared off screws with a dangling RCA side plate as a new amplifier) It also took me a good chunk of time to test them properly, I was waiting on wiring and several other items to line up and be installed before I was able to power up and test. We both remained fairly patient, communication continued, like I said, not a bad dude at all... just something off regarding him accepting full responsibility of things.

Unfortunately I had to deny his partial refund. That was way too much of a risk for me to take considering the money I paid. I think he either did not understand the amount of damage after seeing my pictures, or he just didn't give two shits he had his money. But for me to keep these amps without testing them or having an amp repair shop look at them would of been a tremendously stupid decision, after a few months when they all entirely take dumps on me simultaneously due to broken internals, what the **** would I do? Come crying to him? Especially with amps so notorious for doing that exact thing. So I held out over a month on filing paypal claim, communication was sparse, but he never ignored me, he just never initiated conversation, left it all up to me, like it was my ******* mess to clean up apparently. So like I said, hes not an absolute piece of **** by any means. He just seems to... dodge responsibility... especially when the entire scenario is pretty crystal clear for who is at fault.

I never hounded him, I never pressured him, I never blew his phone up. Eventually after not hearing much from him on his side and things growing rather stale, I contacted him and basically said look, I have to file a PP claim soon to protect myself, just a heads up, time is ticking and you aren't doing anything to resolve the situation. The partial refund would hardly cover the repair of one single amp, and even putting all amp repairs aside, I have to live with the fact that the items I now own could fail at any time in the future due to how poorly packed and handled the items were during shipping. I really considered a full refund just due to the pure beating these amps took, unless a professional could confirm with 100% confidence that these amps were okay and would last, I would not feel comfortable being stuck with electronics that took that sort of *** kicking. I never approached the situation looking for a free hand out, not once.

I paid nearly $1000 for these amplifiers, and the one single responsibility mrfr3sh2def had was to pack them properly to insure they arrive fully functioning and in the exact condition he described. He did NOT do this. Now, a normal person would enter resolution mode, and quickly try to compromise and resolve the situation. I also feel as if this never really occurred with him, it was always me saying "so hey... whats up?" All I wanted is what I paid for, 4 working, new/like new condition amplifiers. Obviously, these orions being in good cosmetic condition again is simply out of the question with the dings dents and scratches, so some form of compensation would be expected- but I never even pursued that path.

@whitedragon551 please watch this thread for the next few minutes as ill be posting more information and id like to keep it all in the OP
Cont. PT 2/2
I filed a claim, even gave him a large heads up and asked him if it was okay in case it would effect any of his financial livelihood, he said whatever go for it, 200 is still my best offer. I also warned him of and explained to him the claim process, how it will basically go like this "I will say I need X amount, you will stick with your 200, then after a huge waste of 20 days it will go straight to full refund". Its just another pain in the ***, but whatever, had to cover my own. I also took the amplifiers to a guy I have known for a few years who is in the city next to mine, really really cool dude, offers a great warranty and is honest when he feels uncomfortable attempting a repair that he has doubts on. He told me no charge on checking them out, only full diagnostics will be charged if repairs are performed. He even mentioned having a few donor PPI/Orion amps he could yank out of if it saved any money if I didn't mind.

Amp repair guys tech calls me, explains whats up, and they are currently still waiting on my word to repair them or not. It turns out the only huge repairs needed are on the 2500D. He said most likely due to the longer length of the board and lack of support in certain areas, some of the huge hits and impacts during shipping shook a lot of internals loose and it would need a good bit of parts replaced. The 200.2 was in good functional condition surprisingly, and the two 400.2s need minor repair less then $50 a piece. He was really awesome worked with me very closely each step, called me constantly, and made me feel confident that repairing the amps is not only feasible but they would be as good as new, if not better. He also stated he has repaired these similar boards on different amps before and has never had one returned to him. The total estimate came out around $289 or $299 and some change, I think there was an optional repair he said isn't necessary but he recommended it, and it would bring total to $308 and some change. I included mrfr3sh2def contact info to the amp repair guys, last I heard from mrfr3sh2def he said he never heard from them.

So to close out this long essay, which I do apologize for the hijacking and the long read, basically the paypal claim ended exactly as I explained to mrfr3sh2def it would, and since I did not accept the $200 partial, I ironically have to pay a **** ton of money out of my own pocket to PROPERLY package and ship the broken amplifiers back to him, because if the off chance there is any extra damage I could lose my entire refund...

That is pretty much it. Do business with him if you want, I guess as long as he packages your **** up properly you have nothing to worry about. I assume he now realizes you can't throw a 40lb chunk of metal with delicate internals in cardboard with some paper and expect it to have a safe journey to its new owner. He kept saying "well they worked before I shipped them", so I myself don't understand the disconnect of his responsibility. I mean no **** I bet they did work before they traveled halfway across the country in essentially fortified paper bags all while getting thrown around like footballs. I was nothing but patient and remained cordial and copacetic with the guy, but now when looking back I should of said refund me right now and take these broken pieces of **** back, or pay for these to be repaired. Instead I fucked around playing little waiting games for over 2 months and it is going to end up costing me. He stated multiple times money is no issue for him, so I don't see why he is ******* me over on a $99 difference to repair the items he directly is responsible for breaking. At the very least he could cover my shipping since I have to pack them the way they should of been originally packed in the first place.

Thanks for reading my novel gang. Again, I'm not writing this to dissuade anyone from doing business with him, it is just my personal account of our ongoing transaction. Personally, I am learning slowly that doing business with people who don't accept their own **** ups never ends well, regardless of the type of transaction.

When you read this, shoot me a text. Also, I guess this means you won't be sending me my end caps??
so thats his first tell of the situation, and it's mentioned multiple times to stop posting this in a for sale thread and to create a buyer beware thread so here we are eh?

oh look what i found! (by the seller)

His comment should be placed in the buy/seller feedback section (hints the name). I have done nothing wrong and have never even done a transaction with you so there is no need for you to comment on my thread. He didn't even purchase the amps from me off of this site so not sure why he is commenting either.
now onto the first response

Thank you for sharing your experience and I am sorry that our transaction did not go smoother; unfortunately, through this process we both have realized that everything does not always go smoothly...that is life. I personally feel there is no need to discuss this on my FS thread, but I have no problem doing so. In regards to the PP situation, I told you to file a claim if you wanted a full refund from the beginning. It was your choice to wait so long, that has nothing to do with me. You have already been granted a full refund, not sure what the issue is there. I asked you to send me pics, you sent them almost a month later and I reviewed them within that same week. I asked for a repair quote for any damages that may have occurred during shipping and I still have yet to receive anything or be contacted from the repair shop. Could the amps have been packed better? Absolutely and I am not denying that at all, but let's not forget the fact that you were non stop messaging me that evening trying to get me to ship them out the same day you paid me for them so I was rushing around at the end of my work shift to try to accommodate YOU. You are the ONLY person that has ever had any issue with buying and/or selling to/from me. Is that your fault? Absolutely not, which is why I clearly stated if you would like a full refund that is no problem but let's go through PP resolution center because I have never had to deal with this before and not sure of the process. You were correct, but they did end up giving you a refund so again I am not sure what the issue is. I've also offered you a $200 refund without asking for anything back simply for mistakenly describing 1 of the 4002 amps.
With all of that being said if you have any additional questions or concerns you know my number and email address and are welcome to call and/or text me. We have been in constant communication throughout this whole process and I am sure you are just as frustrated with it as I am. You want your stuff working and I want it resolved so we can both move on. I feel that I have been completely courteous and professional to you throughout this entire process and have never once not responded to you or answered a question you may have even if they come at 1 or 2 in the morning. These things simply take time to work out, that is not my fault.
so further along the seller says this..

EXACTLY!!! I've sold tons of other electronics (including amps). ALL DAY LONG, but for some reason people have an issue with this? I have 100% feedback on ebay/paypal and everywhere else but because 1 person is not happy with the item they received now I am a absolute horrible seller and people should be weary to deal with me? That is obsurd and if that is the way you all feel I have no problem selling my stuff elsewhere.
to which the buyer replies..

Really brother? Don't make me go through our thousands of messages to find your exact text where you said you never sent amps before these to me and that was your first time? Because until now you seemed relatively honest but now you are entering bold face bullshitting territory.
And the odd thing is you are still entirely dodging responsibility like a politician... "1 person not happy with the item they received" is very well put for your image, when in reality you mean "1 person not happy over a relatively large transaction where I entirely failed my one single responsibility to package FOUR amplifiers with nothing more then paper, which directly resulted in them being damaged" or ya know more casually could just say yeah "I fucked up but I learned my lesson, I made it right with the buyer and I now pack amps with bubble wrap and air cushions."

Why even have me take them to the repair place if you were going to ignore them and the invoice? You wasted a lot of my time.

The sad thing is a week earlier I bought a cosmetically damaged one and even that guy packaged his up double box/noodles/bubble wrap, and took a loss
starting to get interesting here... moar facts pls

and here we have some of the last dialogues between the two..


and just a random comment from the seller

Bump, amp is still for sale.
Fyi - There was a miscommunication between Thewes and I. I was waiting for a repair bill which was never sent to me which he thought was multiple times. Unfortunately a mistake was made and the incorrect email address and phone number which he provided the repair company was incorrect and has been updated. We are currently working on a resolution to this order which will make both parties happy.

So for all of you that don't like my fictional "attitude" or the stuff I offer up for sale or just like to comment with no intent on purchase, please move on . That is all and have a blessed day.
so what do we have folks? looks like it's awaiting resolution. I hope the seller gets together with thewes and makes this right. i would of been seriously pissed off if i paid a grand for some oldschool amps and i was misled to believe they were in better condition than they were and that they would be packed properly.

here's my final thoughts..

Re: Soundqubed 120.4Post pictures of your packing and you'll get some brownie points back. I feel like there was no excuse for the **** poor packing that thewes received. But, owning up and moving on showing you do pack well will make you look more respectable than just giving him the minimum response to avoid paypal effing you. Honestly, I'd make you refund me immediately and pay for my shipping back. The seller has a huge obligation, there's a reason why I take my time and spend money packing amps and subs well. If the cost for packing is too much out of pocket ADD IT TO THE SHIPPING COST. Refuse to ship ANYTHING unless its packed properly.

The other fact that you sent an amp in a condition different than described irks the **** out of me, that's clearly misleading, the shipping problem could of been a combination of ups and **** poor fast get it out packing, but you knew **** well what condition the amp was in. Shame on the seller and shame on the buyer for not getting in depth pictures when spending large amounts of money
I would just like to add that I am still working with this buyer and am awaiting to hear back from the amp repair shop. I contacted them and left them a voicemail about a week ago and have yet to hear back.

FYI, the PP dispute has been decided in my favor (I assume bc the buyer never shipped the amps back to me) yet I am still working with the buyer to get this resolved. I have apologized for the amp packaging...that was my fault. Nothing else to be said there.


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FYI I am just sharing these photos to show that I in no way shape or form have been trying to avoid the buyer at all. He simply made a mistake, it happens. Once I hear back from the amp repair shop I am sure we will be able to work things out.

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im a bad person man, i just want people to know whats going on in the community they feel safe in, someones gotta do it

mad respect if you resolve this with the buyer and take this as an opportunity to move on and do better rather than let it sit. a mistake is only a mistake until its fixed

Another amp shipped out today. This buyer decided that they wanted insurance and was willing to pay for it as well.








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ooops didnt see the one pic, looks like its packed just perfect

you can get pool noodles from a dollar store and cut them to fill in extra space its usually cheaper than other options. i regularly tape pool noodle the end caps to ensure they're protected

has anything changed with thewes?

Another amp shipped out today. This buyer decided that they wanted insurance and was willing to pay for it as well.







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I'm not bad mouthing you at all, more of a question. If the buyer doesn't specify they want insurance you don't add it? I guess I've always added it just because I know how horrible the shipping companies have messed up package in the past....

im with booming on that one, i always insure and include it in shipping cost. the ts1.8k i just shipped was insured for the price i sold it for plus shipping cost

im a bad person man, i just want people to know whats going on in the community they feel safe in, someones gotta do it
mad respect if you resolve this with the buyer and take this as an opportunity to move on and do better rather than let it sit. a mistake is only a mistake until its fixed
Nothing new as of yet. He was supposed to swing by the repair shop this weekend and check and see what is going on. I still have yet to hear back from them.

I ship and receive a ton of networking equipment on a weekly basis (typically upwards of $50,000) at my job so we have a multitude of packing materials laying around that I am able to use for free and we have onsite pickup daily. The only reason I ended up use paper packing and the popcorn things is because we had just ran out and for me to place a order and receive it would have delayed shipping another 4-5 business days. Unfortunately he seemed as if he needed the amps immediately (I figured for a customer build or competition) so I shipped them out anyway. I now know that we both obviously would have been better off if I just would have waited.

I'm not bad mouthing you at all, more of a question. If the buyer doesn't specify they want insurance you don't add it? I guess I've always added it just because I know how horrible the shipping companies have messed up package in the past....
No worries, I have no problem answering questions. I've never added insurance unless at the buyers request and if they cover it. I always put the package value when shipping but I believe the carrier only insures up to the first $50 for free.

After this experience, I guess I should start automatically including it and just raise the prices or tell the buyer they are responsible for the cost of it. I try to make my prices as low as possible and I charge exact shipping price so I am not making money off of shipping charges.

UPS and fedex insure up to 100 free, usps is 50. I don't buy extra insurance when shipping things as I have a biz and ship enough that the money I save not buying it will pay for a few hundred dollars of damage/lost packages should that occur, which, it almost never does....which, again, is why I don't buy extra insurance. That said, it is on the seller to get the item to the buyer as advertised. Lost or damaged? That's on you after the shipper pays their 50 or 100 bucks. Either accept this when declining insurance, or add the cost of insurance to the shipping quote.

Oh, it's gotta be packaged correctly, too. If you try for a damage claim on 4 amps thrown in a box with a little bit of brown paper for cushioning, they're gonna deny that one.

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