car craze small system

car craze small system

car craze small system

car craze small system

idiots posting blanks i bet to get more posts

That is very neat BTW don't listen to them if you like it well you like it and that is whats important:D:D:D
car craze small system

Dude don't loom to bad here. Not my favorite install ever but u know for a first time i am pretty ******* impressed. Don't listen to haters specially unregistered onews. They prolly don't have **** neways.

car craze small system

Likeing the ID sub, oh and do you people think this is a flame forum ???? no need to insult ever
car craze small system

creative I think, but once again, not for flamers
car craze small system

man great install. dont listen to these idiots here. theyr jealous, an IDQ is an awesome sub. U get any port noise from that little port?