Kicker Firebird

Kicker Firebird

Kicker Firebird

Kicker Firebird

awesome man~

fellow RF lover...except, mine's 7 years old. Oh, and get ready for people to start saying" I like everything..except the cap"
Kicker Firebird

Looks good...but is that particle board?

I would also just like to hear why you have the cap :)

- Steve
Kicker Firebird

No its not particle board its MDF and i needed the cap b/c the battery in my car at the time was too weak to handle my systems power especially b/c i played it all the time to break it in.
Kicker Firebird

er, dreamworkz.. is that the name of your audio system shop? Is that what you tell your customers about caps? Just wondering, you know...:)
Kicker Firebird

Actuallly i dont have a shop yet but basically a cap works that way it helps your battery by supporting your amps power w/o having to use your battery all the time. So u can play your system for a while while your car is off and not loose voltage in your battery.
Kicker Firebird

Lol, that might be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Do you know where the cap gets its current from? The alternator. When your car isn't running, the system runs directly off of the battery, so using a cap for when the car is off is basically pointless, considering that the cap will draw power from the battery when the car is off.
Kicker Firebird

Actually all it does is help your battery basically to get more voltage to your amps. Trust me iv installed my fair share of caps and know how they work. Basically they are an extra battery that helps out with voltage to amps.