Recent content by ~Magick_Man~

  1. ~Magick_Man~

    fiberglass chopper

    This is just a inexpensive chopper gun. for the lowish price of $265. If you want a gun to spray resin they have those too. This one uses pre-mixed resin and runs $119 They have another model that can mix the catalyst as it sprays. But is more...
  2. ~Magick_Man~

    Does anybody make a true Dead Head anymore?

    My Eclipse CD7200MKII is a dead head.
  3. ~Magick_Man~

    Central Region DFW Build Day v3

    gay, i wish i was there
  4. ~Magick_Man~

    Central Region DFW Build Day v3

    I am just getting off work now
  5. ~Magick_Man~

    Central Region DFW Build Day v3

    so how late is this thing going to last? I may try to skip out of work a couple hours early and show up.
  6. ~Magick_Man~

    SOLD Alpine PDX 4.150 & 1.600, IDA-X100, PXA-H100, Polk SR6500

    Good guy here, Don't hesitate to buy from him. If I had the cash those polks would be mine. But no such luck right now
  7. ~Magick_Man~

    SOLD 12" ID MAX V3D2 w/box

    Soo tempting, I might snag that sub from you if you still have it next week.
  8. ~Magick_Man~

    Central Region DFW Build Day v3

    mir can you pm me stevens address, i dont have it any more
  9. ~Magick_Man~

    Central Region DFW Build Day v3

    do is anyone actually going to stevens today?
  10. ~Magick_Man~


    you would end up halving the impedance of the speakers. so if it was 2 x 4 ohm speakers the amp would see a 2 ohm load.
  11. ~Magick_Man~


    like this?
  12. ~Magick_Man~

    Alpine iDA-X200 to european tuning

    Looks like you are out of luck
  13. ~Magick_Man~

    SOLD WTT/S 2 IDQ 12", pdx100.4, cdt

    Any interest in an alpine 7998 for the idq's? Link is in my sig for the hu.