Recent content by Hellrazor

  1. Hellrazor

    Check Out The Latest Rice!!! Post Your Pics Here!!!

    That's's not really my opinion here...I am looking for others opinions and others pics of the ricers they have seen or have in their area. Have you got a good pic to post?
  2. Hellrazor

    Check Out The Latest Rice!!! Post Your Pics Here!!!

    Seems to be working just fine now...maybe their server was down or something. I'm glad you wouldn't do that to yoru Corsica...the sad part is there are those who WOULD! Peace...
  3. Hellrazor

    Check Out The Latest Rice!!! Post Your Pics Here!!!

    Yeah, you drive a corsica but you wouldnt think of putting stickers all over it and a big dual exhaust, and a huge wing on the back and then drive around sounding like a bumble bee thinking you were all fast and s***, would you? Of course not....but there are ricers out there who would take a...
  4. Hellrazor

    Check Out The Latest Rice!!! Post Your Pics Here!!!

    It's quite OK for people to have pride in their ride. ***** are proud that they are gay. They have a right to be gay and ricers have the right to drive rice. Glad that is clear.
  5. Hellrazor

    Check Out The Latest Rice!!! Post Your Pics Here!!!

    It's not a lost's not even an arguement. It's mainly just a statement of opinions that all people are entitled to. It can make them happy all it wants to as it makes me laugh hard as hell when I see something so ridiculous as a front wheel drive car with a huge wing on the back...
  6. Hellrazor

    Check Out The Latest Rice!!! Post Your Pics Here!!!

    The Taurus SHO with the V-8 was an impressive engine. The ORIGINAL SHO model was a V-6 and it wasn't fast at all. Top stock HP was about 170-180 or so. And yes, I agree, most of them are ugly. Peace...
  7. Hellrazor

    Check Out The Latest Rice!!! Post Your Pics Here!!!

    As long as you dont have stickers all over it, a huge dual bumble bee exhaust system, and a giant wing on the back of them, then they aren't rice and you wouldn't be a ricer.
  8. Hellrazor

    Check Out The Latest Rice!!! Post Your Pics Here!!!

    First, I did it because I was bored, wanted to start some convo (whether for it or against it) and also because it was my given right to start any kind of thread I want to. You can like it or not, read it or not, reply to it or not, I don't care in any way. Second, of course I know he modified...
  9. Hellrazor

    Check Out The Latest Rice!!! Post Your Pics Here!!!

    No way man...your car is FAR from rice. Your car is clean and nice looking I would say by most people standards. Rice is characterized by stickers, flea market graphics, mega dual and quad exhausts when they dont belong, WalMart accessories bolted on, extreme wings to keep the back tires down...
  10. Hellrazor

    Check Out The Latest Rice!!! Post Your Pics Here!!!

    Ok...time to start a new thread with some great pics of some not-so-great rice. I don't care if you like it or not, just get your favorite, most ridiculous looking piece of rice and post it here. Then we can see who the posers are and what the general population thinks of them. I'll start...
  11. Hellrazor

    SOLD MTX Thunder amp for sale

    Are you looking to buy a good cheap amp or do you have a good cheap amp for sale? Your post wasn't clear....just checking. Peace...(yeah, right...with all this?!?)
  12. Hellrazor


    Well, you are partially right but you missed a couple of points. Yes, it is illegal to have any other colored lights VISABLY showing on your vehicle. There is nothing in any law books in any state that I have been to that says you can't have neons tucked under your vehicle out of sight. The...
  13. Hellrazor

    SOLD Sell Me Your Broken Equipment

    Ok, I get it....that must ****! Anyway, I'm lookin for $80 OBO for it. Whatcha think? Peace... (yeah, right...with all this?!?)
  14. Hellrazor

    SOLD Sell Me Your Broken Equipment

    That doesn't make sense..."you cant access email right now...can you email me?" If you can't access it, why would I email you? Anyway, I did email you the same post as I posted here. You can reply here or send me an email when you can.
  15. Hellrazor

    SOLD Sell Me Your Broken Equipment

    I have a Rockford PA-1 and a PPI 3 way xover for sale. Both used but work perfectly. Email me if you are interested and make me an offer. Thanks. Peace...(yeah, right...with all this!)