Recent content by craracer05

  1. C

    help with amp for 2 L7 15's

    Rockford t15001bd or constant power version will push those perfect trust me!!!
  2. C

    WIW - Old School Subs

  3. C

    Box Build for a pair of Sonys

    I wouls say the center divider is there merely to support the face from flapping.
  4. C

    Box Build for a pair of Sonys

    I wouls say the center divider is there merely to support the face from flapping.
  5. C

    Why do people hate Sony

    Don't like anything sony besides their decks they last forever and sound super clean.
  6. C

    WTB: Phoenix Gold Bass Cube or parts!

    I know someone has something.....
  7. C

    WTB: Phoenix Gold Bass Cube or parts!

    I'm looking for a phoenix gold bass cube or parts whether you have the box or just the knob let me know i will buy either seperate or complete as I'm doing a new build.
  8. C

    Need tips on installing flip down tv

    jsut watch depending on how big of a board you used that will usually only last a year or two before your headliner starts to sag. Its alway a good idea to ge the board mounted first then the tv to it....