Recent content by carcraze

  1. C

    is there any car show in fl

    yes that is where i does go man i have a 626 with a one sub in it . ok later u could email me at
  2. C

    i want a good amp

    yes ppl tell what is a good amp that has a good 600- 1000 watts rms to push my sub with out cliping ,and would hold out real good for thoes low tones like 35Hz and that . Thanks Frome now ppl.
  3. C

    my alpine skips a lot!!!!!!!

    that is a good thing man thanks for the input
  4. C

    I need suggestions on a new headunit

    got to ebay and look for one
  5. C

    How is this unit?

    man get a alpine deck that is one of the best ok later
  6. C

    whats its worth

    man all i could say that they r good deck and that it is a good buy.
  7. C

    My Pretty New Install

    that kool have fun with it
  8. car craze small system

    car craze small system

  9. C

    A whistle while I twirk?

    if u tell what kind of car u have i would try to help u and where u have the amp screw up to i would like to know that . or clicj the homepapge thing , that is the one next to the profile and tell me what u think ok later
  10. C

    tell me that and i could try to help u

    how u have the amp screw do man and what kind of car it is to that would help out thing or and go look at my install just click that home page thing next to profileok later
  11. C

    hi ppl what up

    if u want to see my install all u have to do is click on my home page it is right next to my profile so do that and tell me what all think ok later ppl and thank from now.
  12. C

    tell me what all think about my install

    it is at
  13. C

    go and see my isntall i did

    it is onsounddomain .com http;//
  14. C

    go and see my isntall i did

    tell me what u all think it is on it ok thanks ppl from now
  15. C

    go and see my install