Recent content by big daddy bass

  1. B


    all right sorry to come across as a prick but i have kids and when people come down my street bumping their system and wakeing my kids up it's not cool. now back to your system i would go against 12's to much space. a friend of mine had a regular size cab he had three jl 10w3's and it hit hard...
  2. B

    kenwood ps 150

    yea but if it was a wireing problem then why when i took my amp out of my car i hooked it up it worked i know that i did not cross positive and negative and i have a good ground any other possible causes????????
  3. B

    kenwood ps 150

    i have this old kenwood ps 150 that has been in the closet for a couple of years the other day i took it out to but un my brothers car to push 2 jl 12wo's but as soon as we turned the car on both the fuses blew. we tried it three times and every time we turned the key over they both blew. then i...
  4. B


    first you need to get spell check or go back to school because you can't spell for ****. second of all it's not ideal to put a system in your vehicle to go around and shake people's WINDOWS. that's a pretty stupid thing to say. you know some people have kids and jobs. a neighborhood is not an...
  5. B

    kenwood ps150

    i have this old kenwood that i was going to give my brother but when we hooked it up as soon as we turned the car on both of the fuses blow. we tried it three times and every time it blows the fuses whats up with that? please help!!!!!!!!
  6. B

    do you think my gurl will like this?

    first of all fat albert and gyas are just hatin cause one of them is driving a 69 pinto and the other gets the buss everywere he go's and they have not had no ***** since ***** had them. but back to the christmas gifts she will like it last year i got my girl a system she loves it. you will get...
  7. B


    puddle of mud blurry if you have lots of mids & highs you will realy enjoy this one it's got good bass to for that all around good vibe.